Directed by JP Olsen, Kristen NutileCast: Bob Kidney and The Numbers Band
- U.S.A.
- Documentary, Female Filmmaker, Music
- 2017
- 10 mins
- New York premiere
Robert Kidney has been a musical force since the 1970s. His group, The Numbers Band, celebrating its 47th year, have been praised by Rolling Stone’s David Fricke and Greil Marcus and called ‘the greatest band I’ve ever seen’ by Pere Ubu’s David Thomas. Despite years of praise by peers, the band remains obscure. ‘Big Paradise’ introduces film audiences to Kidney for the first time, revealing a powerful and complex person who lives and works in the shadow of the Midwestern decay.
Director’s Bio
Kristen Nutile is an award-winning documentary editor and filmmaker based in New York City. Her work has shown around the world including the Sundance Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Festival, and she is a recipient of the Albert Maysles Award for Excellence in Documentary Filmmaking.
JP Olsen is an HBO executive and has served as a writer, producer, and director for both New York Times’ Retro Report and on documentaries for PBS, including “America Revealed” and the award-winning documentary film and book, “The Narcotic Farm.” MS, Columbia University.
Plays in
The 2018 Nitehawk Shorts Festival MUSIC DRIVEN program offers a series of short form documentaries that highlights music as vehicle for change, and follows individuals who use this power to overcome emotional, social and economic obstacles.