Directed by Daniel GarciaCast: Angelic Zambrana, Griffin Robert Faulkner
When Angela arrives to her latest babysitting gig she is buzzed into the home but no one is there to greet her. After a brief call with the Mother, she heads upstairs to check on Matteo, the little boy she was hired to look after. She finds Matteo scared and alone and despite her best efforts to calm him down and get him to bed, Matteo won’t go to sleep. He can’t. El Cuco is hungry and he needs to be fed.
EL CUCO IS HUNGRY is a modern interpretation of the Latin American folktale about a dark, shapeless monster that appears out of nowhere to kidnap and eat children who disobey their parents and don’t fall asleep.
Director’s Bio
Daniel Garcia (born July 24, 1975) is a film, music video and commercial director.
Garcia began his career designing labels for santería potions sold at local botánicas. Soon after, he landed at advertising agency DDB and, while working overtime, rounded up enough clients to go freelance. Garcia has directed award winning music videos for artists such as LCD Soundsystem, Future, and Killer Mike and commercials, including several spots for Nike, Adidas, and Adult Swim. He has directed several short films, including El Cuco – Portrait of a Boogeyman, and Jumby.
Plays in
The Nitehawk Shorts Festival MIDNITE screening presents the most innovative new voices in genre filmmaking; now at a reasonable hour (9:30pm). This program presents seven films that explore the beautiful horror found in sacrifice and revenge.