Directed by Lauren MinnerathCast: Taylor Hess, Adenike Thomas, Noel Wilson
- U.S.A.
- Drama, Female Filmmaker, LBGTQ
- 2017
- 14 mins
- New York premiere
A young woman must introduce her African American girlfriend to her conservative father the morning after the 2016 presidential election.
Director’s Bio
Lauren Minnerath is a Brooklyn-based writer/director/editor. She has edited commercials, movie trailers, music videos, and documentaries, most notably A24’s De Palma. She is also an active screenwriter, having recently completed a development deal with filmmaker Michael Litwak at End Cue Films. She is a 2015 Nicholl Semi Finalist and is current developing a feature screenplay at Luber Roklin Entertainment.
Plays in
The nine short films in the OPENING NITE screening of the Nitehawk Shorts Festival address the dynamics of family, shining in the face of adversity, and attempting to make meaningful connections. New York stories punctuate.